Massages in Amber Hotel
Enjoy a massage at the Amber Hotel! In the hotel relaxation zone you can use the services of a professional masseur. We offer a number of extremely pleasant, relaxing and mood-improving massages and treatments. They will improve well-being after physical effort, they will also improve their mental condition, eliminating the effects of stress. They are recommended not only for people who work physically, but also those who work daily in front of the computer for long hours. A wide range of services will ensure that each of you will find the right type of massage. We offer:
• Classic massage
• Relaxation massage
• Medical massage
• Chinese cupping massage
• Chocolate massage
• Aromatherapy massage
• Massage for pregnant women
• Cosmetic massage for the face, neck and cleavage
• Hot stones massage
Massage is a great way to improve general well-being, reduce muscle tone, improve circulation and break away from the daily race. And a solid dose of relaxation is an additional profit for you! Below are the details of each service and its price.